Seven tips for those who want to quit job correctly
Article #15: Seven tips for those who want to quit job correctly

Some advices for people, who have resolved to replace a work place, are offered by the American newspaper U.S.News & World Report.
Act without emotions.
First of all, be sure that you make the wise step. Don't do that to prove something to someone, hoping to convince others how much they need you, or just in a state of anger.
Talk to the boss.
If you do decide, to tell about this boss personally. You shouldn't send him an e-mail, transmit through the secretary or leave a note on your work table. Ask an audience with your chief to talk face to face.
The sooner is the better.
You should inform about your decision in advance. Better do it for two-three weeks before, of course, if you do not want "to burn all bridges" completely. Too unexpected leaving only will spoil your reputation that can pursue you on the following places of work.
Tell why.
Be ready to a question of the reasons of your dismissal. Better to say all honestly, if, of course, you are not afraid that your openness finally spoils the relations. If you consider that it is important, tell the chief what don't arrange exactly you. For example: management style, the work atmosphere in the company, the rigid schedule or too long working day.
Having told it, you only will help the sensible chief. If your boss is one of the tyrants and doesn't perceive criticism, it is possible to get away with something more formal. It is possible to tell that "you don't want to miss such remarkable opportunity" or "you want to get experience in other sphere".
Be a pro.
Remember that, if your decision makes boss reaction painful, it will affect him, not you. Always remain professional and diplomat, tell him that you liked that place of work, but you have other plans. Perhaps in response boss will congratulate you and express his regret at your quit. In addition, he will be able to ask what could be done to make you want to stay.
Leave with dignity.
Provide a graceful change-over to what will happen after you and then fired. For example, leave all the necessary documents to colleagues: contacts, passwords, etc. Do not leave unanswered emails. Put things in order in the workplace and help get into the swing of things successor. Also, you can leave him your phone number, if he suddenly has questions.
Maintain your reputation.
After informing to the chief about your dismissal, stay responsible, don't be late and don't leave work ahead of time. Show the same approach to work, as earlier; differently simply do much harm the reputation. Leave with "highly raised head", in other words, behave you so that at a meeting with the former colleagues will not be unable to look in their face.
Author: - Find the right job for you
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