5 tips for those who still don't have work experience
Article #6: 5 tips for those who still don't have work experience

Useful tips that will help to start a successful career for people who graduate from the higher education institution, but don't have serious work experience yet.
Find out how much do you cost. Pre-assess your strength. Find out your today's actual value in the labor market. To do this, attentively read the description of all interesting you vacancies, paying attention to the required skills, experience and offered wages.
Learn languages. Competition for attractive places in the companies, inviting university graduates, is usually rather big. In many cases exactly the knowledge of a foreign language helps to bypass competitors. And if you know several languages, you will be invaluable in the international companies.
Don't begin conversation with money. You have been invited for an interview but it is not a reason to begin conversation with that how many you would like to receive. Tell about your business qualities, as well as how did practical training during your studying in the university or the institute, and what functions had to be carried out.
Show yourself as a personality - as the person with high potential and learning capability who strives to development. Remember that you don't have enough experience yet. Therefore try to convince the employer that you want to work exactly in his company.
Look for a job as soon as possible. In order to start a successful career in time, start looking for a job as early as possible. Try to make so that to the termination of the higher education institution you will be already expected on a workplace. It is possible to gain experience on the specialty even during your study. But choose for the practice only those companies in which you would like to work in the future.
Don't be afraid to start from scratch. Getting the first job think of experience which can be received and not about salary. Probably, at first the employer won't pay you much. But he will have an opportunity to invest money in your training - trainings, courses and seminars. It is important "to work" for the resume, good recommendations which will help to move quicker up on a career ladder.
Author: Job-less.info - Find the right job for you
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